Best first aid kit component
         FIRST AID KIT
(a miniature hospital)
First aid kit is a collection of equipment,materials and
over-the-counter drugs used in giving first aid.
Do you have one? If No,get one as soon as possible
from a store or you can assemble the item into a
portable box.
Have one in your house and another in your car.
* First aid manual
* 25 adhesive bandage (assorted sizes)
* Dressing packs
* Crepe bandage
* Adhesive tapes
* Disposable gloves
*safety pins
* surgical mask
* scissors and tweezers
* A pair of artery forceps
*Disposable syringes (2ml,5ml)
* A bottle of spirit
* A bottle of salvon
* 5 Antiseptic ointment/solution (e.g hydrogen peroxide)
* cleansing soap
* Tetanus injection ampoule
* Pain drug( acetaminophen and ibuprofen )
* Calamine lotion
* 2 hydrocortisone cream packs ( 1%, approx 1gram
* Antacid
* Asthama drug
* Antihistamine e.g phenhydramine
* antibiotic ointment packs
* packs of Aspirin
* Petroleum jelly
* Saline solution
* Anti diarrhoea medication (e.g. Oral rehydration salt)
* flashlight and extra batteries (nigerian power issues,for
those in developed countries you might find yourself in
dark place)
* Blanket
* Mouthpiece for administering CPR
* list of emergency phone number including that of
family doctor.
* store kit out of reach of children but still within the
reach of grown members of the family.
* Replace missing or expired item
* Re check the kit often (the flashlight may not be work
or the battery is exhausted,...better to turn the battery in
++ direction,in that way it wont discharge)

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