5 important reasons why you need to have social media account facebook twitter etc

Social media is largest online platform where millions of people come together to interact, chat,share,make friends,create enemy,agitate, sell and catch fun etc.
We have different type social media, example:
Facebook, nairaland, twitter instagram facegram, youtube, google+  etc.

There are many reasons why you must have social media accounts.
Social media is like a night club, church, market, stadium and so on. Did you know that when you are night club enjoying some people in the same night club making huge amount of money? even at churches. That is how social network medial also works, when you are busy chatting, sharing pictures, others in the same social media make huge amount of money. So make up your mind and set a goal on what to achieve in social media.‎

Here is the reason why you must have social media account.

5. Secure a job: Recently Many employers needs to know you social media link during the employment application . ‎
Example: if you are looking for a work at press company or broadcasting company. Sometimes they asked for your twitter Handle or social media link to know how your friendly interact with you and your response. The kind of post you publish because this where you express your self at a whole.
So as an applicant be strict and mild while on social media. Let your reaction and response be 80% accurate.

4. Advertisements : Almost all the business is going online. So as a business tycoon or future business person. You must have social media account to reach you customers and friends.‎
Example:If you deal on carpentry work. All you have to do is to select and take the pictures of your finest works  upload them to a social media etc. And I must tell before the day pass by you must surly receive 20 to 30 calls and emails showing interest in you products. 

3. Meet partners: T‎his is one of the major objectives for 90% user of social media. I have seen a testimony on how 2 couple met them self and got marry. In social media you will mingle and chat with people from different country of your choice. So with social media you can engage any person in any part of the world.

2. Promotions: promotion is another main reason for social media.
Example: I have seen where a friend in social media are begging me to like his picture at companies social media page for him to win a prize of been the company's  ambassador  
He is actually promoting his self through social media.

1. Display talent : there are many talented fellow that find it difficult to express themselves in public but can easily showcase their talent in. Social media. If your a comedian, musician, instrumentalists, book writer, and so on, this where you showcase your talent without any interupt.

Have a personal website: facebook give you the chance to have your personal and customised website inside facebook called Page or forum. When you create page in facebook you personally have mini website where you can display your products.
Example: www.facebook.com/africapple is mini website where I can direct my user and visitors to see more about me.

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