Join glo nigeria comedian at #GloLaftafest2017

Get ready Abeokuta. We are going to be laughing out loud this weekend at Africa’s biggest comedy show ever, the #GloLafttaFest2017

Venue: ‎Silver Jubilee Multi-Purpose Hall. Date: July 9, 2017. Time: 4pm.
To win!: ‎Win a FREE invite by texting LOL ABEOKUTA to 240 and use N2,000 on you Glo line in one month.
Other options to join: ‎You can also perform on the same stage as the biggest comedians in Africa by participating in the#GloLOL online contest. 

Upload a 60 seconds comedy skit of yourself performing with the hashtag#GloLOLABEOKUTA (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram). 

Winners will be selected by our in house judges and the top 3 winners will open the show. #GloLafttaFestAbeokuta

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