Solutions to comment form and published comment not showing in bloggers websites

One of the major problem that face the third party blogger theme or template is thee inability  to display comment form or published comment 

If you find it difficult to resolve the issue of displaying comment form, we have treated it here (4 ways to display comment form in blogger website)
But today we are going to resolve the issues that comes with the inability to display already published comment.
Many third theme may find it difficult to display published comment due to some settings or css format.

If you find it difficult to display already published comment in blogger website please follow this procedures :
1st : make sure you switch off the google+ comment. ‎

  1. Go to blogger dashboard at the left select settings ‎
  2. Settings
  3. Post,comment and sharing.‎
  4. Use google+ in this blog select  "‎no".
  5.  save.

2nd: scroll down again on the same page and check "comment settings".
 Who can comment " check "‎anyone"‎ 

And save.

2nd procedures:

Go to you css ([skin]) after head and click ctrl +f search for the word "comment " or ".comment" or "#comment".

 Search for (Display: None)   and change it to (display: block)

Some the third party theme owner purposely use css to hide comment so you can call or email them for corrections . 
Happy bloging. ‎

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