Win €1000 at Du Noyer painting, sculptures and printmaking awards competition

The Fine Art category will accept digital proposals for two or three dimensional sculptures, paintings or prints in any medium. The artist must agree to complete the work as of 31 December 2018.

Prizes:The prize total is €1000, to be awarded €300 at the announcement of the award, and €700 upon completion of the work.
How to Enter: ‎Entries can only be accepted by e-mail and sent to: ‎ . 
Please specify in the email subject: "Fine Art Award". Entries will be accepted until 11:59 pm on Friday, 22 September 2017.
  1. There is no entry fee for this competition.
  2. Original entries must include a‎ verbal description of the work and its geological content, 
  3. a diagram or sketch of the work, and specifications of how the work would be suitably mounted and/or framed for exhibition
  4. If the artist wishes to submit a proposal for a 3-D sculpture based on a maquette or prototype, we can only accept photos or diagrams as all entries are electronic. 
  5. The minimum size for the work is 30 centimetres in any direction, and the maximum size in any direction is 2.4 metres, including frame if necessary. Diptychs and triptychs will be considered a single coherent work. Work should be suitable for indoor display.
  6. For all entries, the title, medium used, name, address telephone number and email, at least 2 examples of previous work (photos), and a short biography of the artist must be included in the proposal.
  7. You may submit a maximum of one proposal, illustrating any aspect of field geology or scenic geological landscapes.
  8. It is up to each entrant to ensure that proposals are their own work and that the work proposed must not have been previously exhibited.
  9. Current staff/contract employees of Geological Survey Ireland are not eligible to participate in this competition.‎ 

The competition will be judged by a panel including representatives of the IGA, the GSI and external nominees and their decision will be final. The prize will be awarded at the Cunningham Awards ceremony in the Dublin offices of GSI on December 8.

Geological Survey Ireland reserves the right to reproduce entries in its publications and promotional activity with due acknowledgement.

Judging Criteria:
Creativity(Including but not limited to, the narrative power of the piece, choice of material and subject) - 25 marks‎

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