Register For Anzisha Prize  Young Entrepreneurs Awards 2018 ‎

The Anzisha Prize seeks to award young entrepreneurs who have developed and implemented innovative solutions to social challenges or started successful businesses within their communities. 

15 finalists from across Africa win a spot in a lifelong fellowship what will help to accelerate their path to entrepreneurship success. The first step in this journey is that they win an all-expenses paid trip to South Africa to be a part of a ten day long entrepreneurship workshop and conference at the African Leadership Academy campus on the outskirts of Johannesburg.  The grand prize winners, selected from these finalists, will share prizes worth $100,000 USD. The fellowship continues thereafter, offering them business consulting services to unlock growth potential in their venture, connecting them to a global network of leaders, providing access to global speaking opportunities, and supporting their professional development.
In addition to the $100 000 competition, the Anzisha Prize seeks to fundamentally and significantly increase the number of job generative‎ entrepreneurs in Africa. We believe that a key to doing so is to test, implement and then share models for identifying, training and connecting high potential, very young entrepreneurs (15 to 22 year olds) so that many more organisations have better collective success in creating a pipeline entrepreneurs with the capabilities for scale.

Countdown Until Anzisha Applications Close on 31 March 2018
Our Anzisha strategy has three pillars:
  1. Celebrate very young entrepreneurs and actively share their stories, to increase the likelihood that others will choose to emulate their success.  ‎
  2. Train and accelerate very young entrepreneurs, such that we develop and then share models of entrepreneur education and support more likely to succeed with teens and very young adults. (Read about our fellowship experience, and meet our fellows)
  3. Influence entrepreneurship education (secondary and tertiary levels) to not only increase the likelihood of more young entrepreneurs, but empathy and support for entrepreneurship as a choice by others. (Watch a video about our high-school Student Enterprise Program)‎
  4. Apply Here

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