Win N30m at 9mobile MAGIC 3 mega promotion

1 - What is the promotion Win the Magic 3 all about?
MAGIC 3 is a mega promotion to reward exclusively 9mobile’s customers. By subscribing you can win 1 of the 10 daily prizes of N30,000, the weekly prize of N3 Million and grand prize of N30 Million, all in cash!

2 - Who is eligible to participate in the Win the Magic 3 promotion?
All 9Mobile customers with residence in Nigeria, (Excluding staff employed by 9Mobile Nigeria for the entire duration of the Promotional Game, and also their immediate family members and spouses, also Direct Business partners - who are directly involved in running 9Mobile Nigeria's Business Operations are also excluded), during the period of the Promotional Game.

3 - What is the trivia game?
Subscribed participants will periodically be invited via SMS to further participate in an exciting trivia game that will allow them to accumulate points faster towards the prizes.  Participants will have to send the keyword GAME to the short code 55023 in order to initiate the trivia game. As soon as they do so they will receive a message with the rules of the trivia game as well as a message containing a question and the suggested answers. Answering the questions correctly requires the participant’s knowledge and skills. The participants can answer the questions by sending an SMS message, in which they enter the number of the correct answer (1 or 2), to 55023.
Example of question: What is the capital city of the Nigeria? Send 1 for Lagos or 2 for Abuja.

Example of answer: 1
Each participant who sends the correct answer to a question will win 50 points at least, which will be allocated to the number of the phone line from which the SMS message was sent. Wrong answers will receive 10 points. All points are collected and added cumulatively during the whole duration of the competition and they are never deleted.
During the duration of the trivia game, the customers will have the possibility to win extra points, which means that they can win more than 50 points for one correct answer to a question. The possibilities of winning extra points are equal for all the participants of the competition and they will be announced during the trivia game before each question.
Some examples of such bonus phases are:
Increasing bonus:
After each question, the bonus increases with each correct answer to a question. The first correct answer brings 100 points, the second 150 points, the third 200 points, the fourth 250 points, etc. (for each correct answer: +50 points)

Gold question:
In this bonus phase answers are golden because they carry unusually high points for the right answers. Each correct answer to a golden question brings a bonus that ranges from 100 to 10,000 points.
Double points
In this bonus phase every question bring twice the points of the previous one.
The exact bonus phases and point structures will be defined dynamically during the competition in order to maximize the user’s participation. 
4 - What are the reminders that I receive from 55023?
During the trivia game the participants will be sent reminders in order to increase their participation.  These messages will vary depending on the participation frequency of the users.  The higher the user participation rate the more frequent these messages will be and vice versa.
5 - How much does this service cost?
1.The Cost per day of the Win the Magic 3 service subscription is N100 all taxes included. 
2.The trivia Game is an on demand service and the price of each SMS message sent to 55023 is N100 all taxes included. All messages sent by server to the participants in the trivia game are free of charge.
6 - What is the duration of the service?
The start date was on the 09th of October 2017.
The end date of Magic 3 will be the 09th of January 2018. The Service may be further extended.
7 - Which are the prizes of the Magic 3 promotion?
The prizes consist of 3 prize categories:
1.Daily prizes. Every day ten winners will be selected via draw among the promotion participants to win a total of N300, 000 in cash.
2.Weekly prizes: A cash prize of N3 MILLION in cash, will be awarded every week to the participant with the highest number of points by Sunday 23:59:59 as long as that player has sent at least 1 SMS within the week.
3.Final Prize: 1 winner will be selected at the end of the promotion, among the active participants of the whole promotion period, via draw to win N 30MILLION in cash
Each participant may win only one prize of each prize category.  Specifically one participant may win one daily prize, one weekly prize and the final prize but cannot win 2 daily or 2 weekly prizes.

8 - How do I participate in the Win the Magic 3 service?
You can subscribe to the promotion via bulk SMS notifications, IVR notifications, USSD or online media advertising.
1.In the case of bulk SMS notifications the participant initiates the participation in the competition by sending an SMS message at no cost with the Keyword YES or WIN to 56023.

2.In the case of IVR notifications the participant initiates the participation in the competition by pressing the designated key as will be indicated in the voice message.

3.In the case of USSD notifications the participant initiates the participation in the competition by pressing the designated key as will be indicated in the USSD menu.
4.In the case of online advertising the participant initiates the participation in the competition by clicking on the banner and the designated landing page.
In all cases, after the user initiated opt-in, the system sends a reply SMS message to the participant, with two welcome messages that explain the rules of the game, the costs and how to opt - out.

9 - What happens after I subscribe?
Immediately after the welcome messages the participant will receive a message containing his/hers coupon of the day towards the daily draw.  This message containing the coupon will only be delivered if the participant has been successfully billed N100 which is the daily subscription cost of the promotion. The system will attempt to bill and send such the daily coupon every day for duration of the promo as long as the user has not opted out.
Users that are not successfully billed on a given day will be excluded from the draws of that specific day.  Users will only participate in the draws of the promotion days that they have been effectively billed.
10 - What are the coupons?
With every coupon successfully received users accumulate 100 points towards the prizes.  Every point is equivalent to one additional entry for the draws as well as the top scorer weekly prize. 
11 - What is the points’ collection process & draw participation rules?
The points collected represent the number of entries a user has in the competition and for the corresponding draws. The more points a user has accumulated, the more entries has into the draws and thus more chances of winning. The below table summarizes the point scheme that applies to participants-
12– How can I find out my total number of points?
To find out your total number of points in Magic 3, send an SMS with the word “POINTS” to the shortcode 56023 at no cost
13 – How can I find out more information about Magic 3?
To find out more information for Magic 3, send an SMS with the word “RULES” to the shortcode 56023 at no cost
14 – How can I unsubscribe from Magic 3?
If you wish to unsubscribe from the subscription of Magic 3, send an SMS with the word “STOP” or “ UNSUBSCRIBE” to the shortcode 56023 at no cost 
If you wish to stop participating only in the trivia game of Magic 3:
1.send an SMS with the word “STOP to the shortcode 55023 at no cost
Upon sending the respective keyword to the respective short code and upon successful processing, you will receive a message confirming the cancellation.
15 - Where may I find the detailed Terms & Conditions of the Service?
The service’s terms and conditions are posted on the website:
16 - How are the winners notified / announced?
Winners will be notified telephonically by 9MOBILE as soon as possible after the draw on the active users.  Users are never notified by SMS.
17 - I sent a message but didn‘t receive a reply SMS, what happened?
If you have not received a reply SMS, verify the following:
1.    Check if your mobile is full of messages and doesn’t have enough of memory to receive new ones. Please erase some messages to free up some memory.
2.    Please check the mobile phone is inside network coverage area. Under no or limited signal coverage, the SMS might have failed to reach the destination.
3.    The message wasn't sent to the correct number. Write a new message and send it to the right short code according to the service you want to subscribe to.
4.    There is a chance the network in your area is overloaded at the moment. Please show some patience. If you don’t receive a message within 15 minutes, please send a new SMS.
5.Make sure that your line has enough Top-Up balance for the messages to leave your phone.
18 - How do I download the Win the Magic 3 application?
If you wish to download the slot machine game of Magic 3: 
Go to "Play Store" and search in the Applications section the Win the Magic 3 app, accept the terms of use of the Play Store and download the app.
After downloading the App, you can play the slot machine game and accumulate more points. The points collected represent the number of entries a user has in the competition and for the corresponding draws. Your points from the application game are consolidated seamlessly with the points from the subscription and the trivia game.
19 - When do you choose the winners?
At the end of each day (at 23:59:59 h) from Monday to Saturday during every week of the promo duration, the daily draw period ends, and the following day a notary draws the winner participant of the daily prize of the previous day, the winners of N30,000. Should the participant refuse the prize or fail, within 3 hours, to deliver his/her particulars, the first substitute will be considered winner of the prize. 
At the end of each Sunday (at 23:59:59 h), the participant with the highest score within the current week, who has sent at least one SMS message that day, will be proclaimed winner of N3 million. In the event that there are two or more participants with the same score, the participant who was the first to achieve this score will be considered as the winner of the prize.

20 - How do I Know if I won or not?
The winners will be notified by a phone call from 9Mobile’s Customer Service, and they will also give their particulars on the occasion of the call which will take place every day between 10am and 12pm. The personal details required to take over the prize, must be provided by the winners within 3 hours of receiving the call for the notification of their prize. Should they fail to answer the call or provide their particulars, the winners shall lose the right to the prize they won, and the first next participant in line to win the prize will be considered as the winner of the said prize. All prizes will be awarded at the joint prize award ceremony that the Organizer will organize within 45 days at the latest upon completion of the competition.
The daily prize winners and the accurate date on which the final prize award ceremony shall be held, will be published on the promotion official website: 
21 - What is my rank in the game?
We are sorry but for confidentiality reasons we cannot disclose your exact rank in the promotion.  The Organizer of the Promo cannot release personal information about participants to any third persons unless required to do so by law or in order to comply with government entities in Nigeria and in accordance with section 19 of the Terms and Conditions. ‎


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  1. Winners will be contacted in order to know the necessary information on how to redeem the won prize.
    Always visit to know see the picture of the winners

  2. Always visit the social media pages to see the winners pictures

  3. This blog is for information ‎not the organisers. 
    You may call 9mobile customer careline 200.
    Or chat with 9mobile agent at
    Thanks for visiting

  4. How will the winners send their particulars.

    1. If you won they will surely call you!
      Thanks for visiting


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