Merrybet sketchaton Art Competition, Cash prizes N2m ‎

WIN BIG with your creative artistry at the Merrybet Sketchathon
N2,000,000 is up for grabs! 

 The art competitions are in three categories; Animation, Storyboard & Illustration. 

 How to participate 
Follow these steps to enter the competition and unleash your artistic side: 

 1. Register at

 2. #EaglesWinning11 :create art story contents about how the Super Eagles will win in Russia through the art of goal scoring or depicting them as Superheroes or Epic Warriors. 

 3. #WorldWinning11 :create art story contents about the journey of any soccer player of your choice depicting the player’s performance in the world cup.

Cash prizes for each competition (#EaglesWinning11 & #WorldWinning11) are:

 Best Animation: N500,000 
Best Storyboard: N300,000 
Best Illustration: N200,000 

 Post work on your Instagram page using hashtags:  #EaglesWinning11#WorldWinning11, & #Merrybet | Mention @merrybetsports 

 ALL works (Animation, Storyboard & Illustration) must have the word “Merrybet” boldly inscribed or placed in them.

Send final artwork as email to

 Note:10 panels of storyboard should be uploaded as a sequence of 10 multiple images on instagram.

 Winners will be selected based on creative ingenuity (including integrating the Merrybet brand in the story) and votes (number of likes on instagram). 

 Don’t miss out! Terms & conditions apply. 
                Entry closes on July 10th, 2018
 Visit for more details.

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