LG Africa Daily Quiz, win 32 inches LED smart tvs and Movie Tickets  ‎

Here is a chance to win 4 movie tickets daily for yourself and the ones you love in the #LGBIG17QUIZ

Show us how much you know about LG TVs and LG brand ambassador #AlexIwobi by answering our daily quiz questions correctly. 

Stay tuned to LG Africa social media handles (‎facebook, twitter, instagram) ‎and stand a chance to be one of our daily winners. ‎

Stand a chance to win an LG 32" LED smart TV and 3 movie tickets this season . 

Simply follow @lgafrica1, answer our daily quiz questions correctly, repost the reveal post daily on your page with #whatsintheparcel and tag your friends to earn points. 

 Be the first to earn 100points and increase your chance of winning an LG 32" Smart TV and 3 movie tickets! Terms and Conditions apply... 

Life is good. #whatsintheparcel

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