Win A brand New Phantom 9 smartphone in the Tecno Experience competition

Are you an online business person, Makeup Artist, A food blogger or an Entrepreneur? 

Here is your chance to win a brand new Phantom 9 device in the #Phantom9Experience competition.

How to win
 All you have to do is: 

(1) Using the template(slide to see) i.e the use of picture slide frame tell us how any unique spec of the Phantom 9 can help you achieve your style or tell us in a less than 1 minute video 

(2) Post on your page with #MyPhantom9Style.

Note:‎ The most creative video or image in each category with the highest number of views/likes or comments across all our pages wins. 

 Hey Guys, get set to win a brand new Phantom 9 device in the Phantom9Experience Competition.

 Here’s what you have to do to: 
  1. Create a less than one minute video or image of your #Phantom9Experience and tell us how any one of the specs of the phantom 9 can aid your productivity. 
  2. This should be posted on each of the entrepreneurship categories shared on our pages (eg Food PhotographerMusic or entertainmentInstagram Seller or Business Man/Woman
  3. On Facebook, Post as a comment under the activity post using the hashtag #MyPhantom9Style 
  4. On Instagram and Twitter, Post on your page using the hashtag #MyPhantom9Style and #Phantom9Experience. 
  5. You can also Participate on TECNO Forum (TSPOT), Simply post your entry on the activity thread stuck on the front page 
  6. The best entry video/image with the highest number of Replies, likes or retweets on each category will be announced the winner. 
This Activity will run from 1st August – 28th August 
  • This activity is open for all Nigerians and shortlisted winner must be resident in Nigeria 
  • Entries with fake likes or repeated replies from same name will be disqualified. 
  • Participants could use image template attached to this thread to post their entries. 
  • Winners agree to co-operate with TECNO Mobile Nigeria in any post-event publicity where they may be required to appear on television or radio, or in printed and online publications, for which no fee will be payable. 
  • TECNO Mobile Nigeria will not divulge the database of entries received to any 3rd party except in litigation.
  • TECNO Mobile Nigeria reserves the legal right, at any time, to verify the validity of any part of an entry and participant (including a participant’s identity, age and place of residence, authenticity of activity) and to disqualify any participant who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who cheats during the entry process. 
  • Failure by TECNO Mobile Nigeria to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights. 
  • Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law and except as stated in these Terms and Conditions, 
  • TECNO Mobile Nigeria (including its officers, employees, and agents) excludes all liability (including negligence), for any personal injury; or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity)
  •  Employees of TECNO Mobile Nigeria (or any of its group companies or affiliates/sponsors), or anyone associated with this cause cannot participate in this activity.‎
  • comment on facebook here

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