Watch to Win iPhone 11 in the Tetmosol Full House Giveaways ‎

#FullHouse the Nigeria's First Interactive Web Series is on!!!
Watch and Stand a chance to Win iPhone 11

How to win 
To qualify to win the giveaways including the iPhone 11, the following simple steps should be followed:
1. Follow and like all Tetmosol on Instagram@tetmosol_ng, Facebook @tetmosolnigeria and Subscribe to our Youtube Channel
2. Like and comment on every episode of the web series.
3. Share and tag your friends on every episode of the web series.

Prizes ‎
The great news for viewers is that you stand a chance to win an #iPhone11 & other fabulous prizes. 

Fresh episodes will stream the same time every Saturday at 6:00 p.m.‎


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