SUMEC fireman Generator campaign, Win mp3, umbrella and power bank

Do you have a similar dream of joining SUMEC?
Do you want to buy an original SUMEC Generator but fear getting a fake one?
Do you need professional suggestions of generator maintenance?

Join our 'A Word to SUMEC' Campaign! We are ready to hear!!!
How to participate 
1. Post a word or a sentence you want to tell SUMEC FIRMAN most, which could be an enquiry, a suggestion, a job self-recommendation or anything else, as long as its positive, encouraging, and motivating.

2. Follow our official page @SUMEC FIRMAN Nigeria.

3. # A Word to SUMEC and tag your Facebook Friends and ask them to follow our official page here

4. Try to get Likes and Shares as many as possible.

You will have a good chance of winning:
1. Premium Bluetooth Speaker.
2. Premium SUMEC FIRMAN Power Bank.
3. Fancy SUMEC British-style umbrella.

This Campaign will end on 21st, June.
Let us hear your voice!!!
#SumecCampaign #

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