Win Cash prizes in Fayrouz photography challenge

Theme #1 of the #FindYourDifference Photography Challenge: FAYROUZ x FASHION; because we are part of your lifestyle.
Post your submissions on your profile & stories, tag @fayrouznigera using the hashtag #FindYourDifference and #fayrouzphotographychallenge .
Make sure you have any of our fayrouz products
(bottle/can/PET) in your photo.

The #FindYourDifference Photography Challenge begins this Tuesday, May 5, 2020!
Every 3 days we select a theme, you submit your pictures, and the winner receives a N 40,000 cash prize.
Theme #1 will be announced on May 5 by 9AM.

To participate -
• Follow @fayrouznigeria Or Click Here 

• Take a picture(s) in line with the announced theme

• Post your submissions on your profile & stories, tag @fayrouznigeria using the hashtags #FindYourDifference and #fayrouzphotographychallenge
Well done to all the theme #1 participants! Your fashion styles are outstanding and you showcased how to
#FindYourDifference !
And the winner of the theme #1 FAYROUZ x FASHION photography challange is
@joannsyoma photo 4!!!

Congratulations you won the 1st N 40,000 cash prize!!!
Theme #2 of the # FindYourDifference #fayrouzphotogra
phychallenge will be announced tomorrow 9 AM.

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