Win Premium Bluetooth speakers in Sumec Fireman Giveaway

Mc Akporstus's video has given a top notch to another campaign[Hug].
SUMEC FIRMAN has decided to have another giveaway! Surprise!!!

follow this step to win Bluetooth Speaker
ONE: The first 5 people who can SUCCESSFULLY summarize what happened in the video and post on your own page will win Bluetooth speaker.

TWO: Another 5 people who follow and like our SUMEC FIRMAN Nigeria page Here and get the most shares and likes after they share this post of the video (as at 24:00, Friday, 5th, June) will win our Premium Bluetooth speaker.

Search our official page SUMEC FIRMAN NIGERIA from your Facebook Page and find the MC Akporstus's video
Translate the senairo in the video into a script and post
before pressing 'Share Now'.

Step 2
Tag your friends as many as possible. Tell them to follow our SUMEC FIRMAN NIGERIA page and repost the video to increase ur chances of winning by more likes and shares.

You will have a good chance of winning
[Hug].Premium Bluetooth Speaker.

 Click here to Watch the video 

Let us see your actions.
#CampaignTime #
#SumecFans #
#SumecFirman #

This campaign will end on 5th, Friday night, June 2020.

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