Natural ways to Cure and Eliminate Worms with home remedies

Worms are parasite that can live and feed on a living host. 
There are so many types of worms that could cause damage to the body system by stealing the nutrients in the body, thereby causing weakness and disease in the body. Parasitic worms usually enter the body through contaminated water or food.‎
Diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, itching, coughing, looking mal-nourishes irrespective of what you eat.
Ways to contact worms are 
      1 infected soil , eating unclean food 
 the doctor explained that the worms are in the children’s intestines. They could have caught it when walking around barefoot on infected soil, playing in contaminated water or eating unclean foods maybe in the school.
Once these eggs hatch, the worms will grow and lay more eggs in their bodies.
It is upsetting to find out your child not one but two have worm infections. However, getting rid of worms is also easy and relatively quick.
Worm infection does not always show symptoms and when it does, the symptoms may be so slight and gradual they are overlooked.
          Symptoms ........
The child may have a sore tummy, weight loss and may be irritable.
Other signs include loss of appetite due to pain or discomfort in the tummy, anaemia – especially with hookworms -  a rash – especially hives, nausea,   itching or pain around the anus, where the worms entered, trouble sleeping, because of the itchiness, constant coughs, painful and frequent urination due to urinary tract infection, blood in the stool, vomiting diarrhoea, there can be a blockage of the intestines.
Fortunately, almost all worm infections can be treated with oral medication. The doctor will prescribe medicines or de-worming treatments based on the type of worm infection your child has. Don’t buy over the counter remedies.
Ideally a child should get de-wormed six months after birth, since this is when they tend to touch various things and put their hands in their mouth.
If what they touch is contaminated, it can cause the worms or their eggs to enter the baby’s body and this should be repeated every six months.

Ingredients: lime,‎
lemon grass (fever grass),
Lemon grass

neem leaves (dogon yaro),
Neem leaf

Preparation; cook 8 pieces of lime, lemon grass and neem leaves together with 2 litre of water.
Dosage: take 1 glass of the mixture, 3 times daily for 5 days.‎
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