10 tips to consider before Hosting or launching a Websites

Having a website is like owning a shopping mall where same goods or many difference good are been sold. the quality of your post will determine how the Visitor will value your site. But there things you need to know before hosting or owing a site!

10 Things to know before owing or hosting a website or blog site.

10. Choose a reliable Hosting company.
A hosting company is like an engine that power the website,for a website to be alive is rely on hosting company. Try to Make a good research to know best and suitable hosting company before proceeding in website business .

9. Choose a comfortable niche
Choose a niche that you are comfortable with, I mean niche that you can give a right  answer to questions that come from your  visitors because wrong answers to your visitor will discourage the visitor not to come back often. ‎make sure you choose a versatile niche for you to excel in website business.‎
Example: you can choose sports as niche if you are good in sports and update sport news.
Other niche: foods, health, entertaining and others.

8.choose website script. 
There are many types of website script but you have to choose the easy access script.
Choose script like: wordpress,joomla,blogger,etc.
But before concluding the script to choose make sure you know how to play with script on free hosting or localhost using wamp localhost in your desktop.( feel free to ask me question on free host in comment box)
How to have a free host.
Free host are hosting companies that will provide a specific time to use their hosting plan and they will expect you upgrade when you are done with given period. Search for free hosting in any search engine. Open account to see how the Cpanel look like. Some of the hosting company have some of the website script in their cpanel all you have to do is to activate and insert your personal password.  ‎

7. Try to choose evergreen niche.
There are some post that seem to expire once the date of the published is outdated.
Example : if you choose sports or entertainment as niche sometimes it seem outdated once the songs or sporsts is over but health and mechanical solutions seem to be evergreen because people from different world will sure looking for such information without mind the date of post.

6. Choose a good Theme (templates)
Theme or template is a script that bring out the oulook of your website.
Things to consider before choosing template. 
1. Fast load theme: select light weight template so that you visitor will find you website friendly and spend less time while surfing your site Heavy web script load slow.
2. Well navigated theme: navigation is the way and road to access all your website. If your website lack navigation the roads will be block.
Remember to check the website load speed in google and other speed checking application tools.

5. Security: Before you host any site make sure security is your number one priority. Did you know that once your website is been launch many robot from different bad company will try to invade your website?. So Choose a good security company or buy a good security plugin to secure your website.

4. Choose an unguessabble password.
Choose a difficult password that even you can't remember. Write the password somewhere in your protected file or diary. Makesure you copy and paste. You can also set how many time each IP location can try to login with wrong pasword, once the set time or period reached it will automatically block the particular IP.
Reason for IP block:  some robot can do 5,000 try and error in one minute. 
Example of password:pwsardos*#8hds)-_3.
3. Make a friends: I know this sound odd but the only way to make your website viable or to get recommendations from google or other international bodies is the traffic that you generate. So before you launch your website make sure you have Many friends in social media and offline that will visit your site often.
**why you need to grow you facebook audience"

2. Have at least 30 to 40 original quality artticle.
Before launching website make sure you have a quality articles that will attract your visitor and also make them to re check your website. Remember to make all your article original don't copy from other website.
How to write a good article.
Look for freelancers and also  make a very good research about the article to be post. Try to post in a Concise ways.

1.passion and patience: passion and patience is the foundation for any person that want to own a website. Try to love what you do! Don't hesitate, spend more time like 4 to 6 hours a day.so be a dogged

  1. learn simple HTML and css for easily modification to reach your outlook objective.‎

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