Win exciting Prizes at TUMMY TUMMY find the chef ultimate search

Get ready to win BIG and even BIGGER when you buy your delicious TummyTummy Noodles from now till December 2017. Lots of amazing prizes up for grabs in the Ultimate Search Promo.
How to win!‎
Simple as A B C‎
A. Buy your delicious TummyTummy Noodles carton or pack.‎
B. Find the coupon inside it.‎
C. What you see is what you get.‎
As simple as ABC - get ready, start winning, don't be left out.
Bicycles, piano, android phone,HD TV led,headphones, pressing iron,school bag,blender,water bottles,etc.‎
Duration of the promo
From July - December, 2017.‎

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