Apply for Emerge ALÁRA contest for Artist,designer,fashion‎

ALÁRA is committed to the discovery, support, growth and exposure of young creatives in Africa and its diaspora through the Emerge ALÁRA platform.

 With a focus on 
  •  Art 
  • Cuisine 
  • Design F
  • ashion 
Emerge ALÁRA aims to select the most gifted in each discipline. 

 Starting with the Emerge ALÁRA – The Fashion Edition this year, the most promising young designer and fashion media creative will be selected and offered the opportunity to present a retail collection and exhibition respectively, as well as receive mentorship from a carefully selected team of advisors. 
The platform will also provide structured support to the young designers currently in partnership with ALÁRA who apply for it’s Fellowship Program. Finalists will be selected based on talent, the originality of their concept, innovative techniques and craftsmanship. Judges decisions are final. 


  •  Exclusive collection to be financed and stocked at ALÁRA 
  • Mentorship from an internationally acclaimed advisory board 
  • Access to technical expertise and facilities 

  1. Exclusive exhibition to be financed and shown at ALÁRA 
  2. Mentorship from an internationally acclaimed advisory board 
  3. Access to technical expertise and facilities 

  •  Applicants must Have a unique point of view that references African culture and heritage 
  • Have produced at least 2 bodies of work
  •  Be between the ages of 18 and 30 
  • Be of African descent (with proof of nationality) 
  • Not have existing retail contracts 
  • Finalists will be selected based on their originality of concepts, innovative techniques and craftsmanship. 
  • Judges decisions are final. 

 Submission of applications closes on Friday 17th of August 2018‎

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