Register for the iCreate Skill Competition sponsored by Sterling Bank

At Sterling, we are focused on raising the value of skilled professionals.
The iCreate Skill Competition is a platform that promotes skill excellence, showcases skills standards and careers, demonstrates benchmarks of excellence in teaching and learning, and create interest for public sector agencies, private organizations, and individuals to invest in skills development. 

Through the iCreate Skill Competitions, we promote the value of technical skills by creating an experience that appeals to young people to get involved in technical skill trades.‎

The iCreate Skill Competition is hosted annually across the continent.
Regional or state competitions serve as pre-qualifiers to a national competition, connecting skilled professionals across Africa with industries and organizations who understand that engaging youths is the best strategy for addressing labor challenge.

The skill competition is held across the following industries; 
  • Construction & Building Technology, Creative Art & Fashion, ICT, Manufacturing, and Engineering Technology, Agriculture & Hospitality. 
Emerging winners becomes Africa Skill champions and serve as role models and inspiration to other youths.
 The call for entries for skilled workers across the construction and building, creative arts & fashion, agriculture, and more sectors.

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