Cool Fm Lagos Nigeria Guess the Song to win N10,000 cash Daily

Can you guess the title of the song as well as the artist? Guess correctly and win N10,00

This is SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! This is not a drill guys. WE ARE GIVING OUT N10,000 everyday just by guessing the SONG OF THE DAY!!!

How to win 
Here is the gist: Everyday on #CoolFMRadio we will have a 'Song of the day'. One everyday. The song will be played on any belt at anytime. Once you hear the #SongOfTheDay call in immediately and shout COOL FM PAY ME MY MONEY!!!!!!!! 
If you are correct, we will send the money asap!!! If no one gets the answer for the day, the amount will roll over to the next day and so on and so forth!!!

CALL 0700 969 969 969

Now, we will give you a hint...or the answer everyday on our social media handles(@coolfmnigeria) but we won't give you the time. So, listen in and win some money. 

Another giveaway at cool fm lagos nigeria 

will be singing a song at 6PM every friday. No audio, just her lips!! All you have to do is guess the song. ONE GUESS ONLY!!!

Get the song correctly and win. Simple!!! Easiest money you will ever make. Tune in at 6pm!!!
# CoolFM969 # SilentSongChallenge

Meet the previous winner
Congratulations @somethingreallysmooth. Please send us a DM!!!.
Tune in on Friday at 6 PM for another
# SilentSongChallenge by @kaylahoniwo

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