Register for Peak milk 456 inter school art challenge themed MY FUTURE NIGERIA

The School buildings might be closed, but the learning continues!

That's why we are calling for submissions from all schools, share the top 3 artistic portrayal of “My Future Nigeria " and get a surprise from us.

Yes, lucky students from our top 3 schools will receive a surprise!

 Submit to our Peak 456 social media pages or the website with
#Peak456MyFutureNigeria #Children 'sDay.
Participating students must be between the ages of 4-6 years.
T&C applies.


Participating in this campaign constitutes your acceptance of these official rules.
Campaign organiser: FrieslandCampina Wamco Nigeria Plc (“Organiser”) manufacturers of Peak 456.

Subject: The Organiser announces an Art Challenge for schools which will be conducted through Peak 456 Instagram and Facebook accounts and Peak 456 website 

This is aimed at recognizing 4-6-year-old children and their schools and rewarding their creativity.

Campaign duration: The campaign will run from 19th May 2020 until the 27th May 2020 (“Campaign Period”). 

All drawings and artwork received outside the campaign period shall be automatically disqualified. 

The organiser has the right to extend or reduce this period at its discretion.

This campaign is open to all Nigerian Schools with students between the ages of 4-6, whose parents/Teachers/Guardians are Internet users.

Participating children must be between the ages of 4-6 and birth certificates will be required as proof before the redemption of rewards.

The organiser reserves the right to block and disqualify any participant from the campaign. 

In such case, no notification would be given to the participant at the sole and absolute discretion of the Organiser. The Organiser also can exclude any participant performing malicious actions in this Campaign.

The Organiser will not be liable for any interruption or problem during the period of the Campaign due to a malfunctioning of the website/social media. 

The participation in this Campaign requires the participants’ access to the internet by their own technical resources and costs and does not create any rights against the Organiser or his property, including the intellectual and industrial property.

Events may occur that result in the Organiser extending, refusing, reclaiming, cancelling, terminating, modifying or suspending the campaign, these terms and/or the awarding of gift(s) at any point and for any reason. 

These events include but are not limited to a third party's illegal activity, technical difficulties and/or any other reasons beyond the control of the organiser and accordingly, the participants agree that the organiser shall have no liability as a result thereof.

The decision of the Organizer in all campaign matters is final and no correspondence will be entered.
The gifts where stated, are not transferable to another individual and no other alternatives will be offered, unless otherwise stated.

Shortlisted participants will not be asked to pay to receive the physical gifts or any other gift to be included in the period of the campaign.

Personal data entered during the registration, including name, phone number, address etc. may be processed, stored, shared and otherwise used for the marketing purposes by the organizer only in line with FrieslandCampina’ s Privacy Policy and the relevant Data Protection Law.

All participants by virtue of entering this campaign give the Organiser their unreserved and irrevocable consent to use their pictures including the winner’s pictures, audio and video footage in National newspapers, TV, radio, Organiser’s websites, annual reports and social media pages for marketing and publicity purposes.

Exclusion of participants: The employees of FrieslandCampina Wamco Nigeria Plc and supporting agencies and their immediate families and spouses are excluded from the Campaign. Any participation by these persons in the Campaign in violation of this term shall be considered automatically null and void.

How to Participate
Peak 456 Inter School Art Challenge: My future Nigeria
· Schools are required to submit their top 3 entries of artwork/ drawings by 4-6-year-old students titled ‘’My future Nigeria” to Peak456 social media pages and website on

· The school with the most creative artwork will be rewarded.

· Entries of children below and age 4 and above 6 will be disqualified.

· Multiple entries will be disqualified.
Selection of Winners

· Fans and followers who will be rewarded will be selected by the Organiser

· Peak 456 Inter School Art competition (My future Nigeria)- Top 3 Schools to win 25,000 naira online school scholarship + Free Face Masks for  each of their students (maximum of 80 children 4-6 year olds per school are eligible for the scholarship)

· The prize monies/gifts are not transferable. The Organiser’s decision is final in all matters related to this campaign and no correspondence will be entered on same.

· The Organiser will be the final arbiter in any decision and the decision will be final and binding.

· Winners will be announced on Facebook/Instagram. 

The winners (schools) will be contacted  within 72hours directly by Peak 456 to send their full name, a phone number and an email address. 

If a winner fails to respond within 4 working days it will be transferred to the subsequent winner and if the subsequent winner fails to appear or refuses the prize too, it will be transferred to a further and subsequent winner.

· The Organiser reserves the right to modify in any way the Terms and Conditions of participation, such as, but not limited to, postponement of the dates of the Campaigns; to change the offered prizes according to its discretion and cancel the Campaigns for any reason whatsoever; informing the public through the company's fan page on Facebook and Instagram and by all appropriate means, without incurring any liability to any person or participant.

· At the end of the campaign and the distribution of the prizes, as mentioned above, any obligation of the Organiser towards the participants ceases to exist. 

By participating in this Peak 456 Art competition, we assume that you have read and understood the Terms & Conditions of the Campaign.

· Participants agree that personal data entered during the registration, including name, phone number, may be processed, stored, shared and otherwise used for the marketing and campaign purposes by FrieslandCampina & its partners only.
· Participants also understand that his/her data may be used by the organiser in order to verify an entrant’s identity, postal address and telephone.
· Thus, the Organizer reserves the right to use and publish the winners' names and images and might use any news item relating to this campaign for advertising purposes. Participating in this campaign automatically provides the consent to the Organiser. Also, the Organizer may communicate with the participants if necessary, during the campaign period or after the end of the campaigns.

DISCLAIMER: The organiser disclaims any liability whatsoever for inaccurate information, whether caused by the website, user's equipment used in a campaign, or by human or technical errors related to the submission of entries

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