Reduce the size of your breast naturally at home

        Get to Know your breast matter
Breasts are made up largely of fat but also contain
connective tissue, blood vessels, lobes, lymph nodes,
milk ducts and lobules. The size of the breast is mostly
determined genetically and there is not much that can be
done but factors such as being overweight do increase
their size. Your diet and fitness level also plays a role.
Muscle underneath the breast will also make them
appear bigger. Breasts will also increase in size due to
pregnancy but this is usually temporary and they will
soon return to their normal size after breast feeding has
Diet changes for Reduction
There is no such diet that will have an effect on your
breasts alone. Most diet changes that will alter their size
will involve loosing weight in general. The best option is
to reduce your entire body mass by means of a diet that
may have an effect on the breast size.

Please reduce salt intake to 2%
A healthy diet
that is low in salt, fat and calories will help. Reducing
salt intake will help as fluid retention can lead to
bloating of the breast leaving them feeling tight and

   Stop take package or canned foods
By reducing the amount of packaged foods and
soda that you consume will also help with this. Many foods in fast food outlets and restaurants can be
processed it is worth finding out which ones they are
and avoiding them. Avoid adding salt to your food and
get used to checking the labelling on packaging for salt
  Take a lot of water and  body exercises
Drink plenty of water to flush the fluids from your
body. Diet changes do work better when they are
combined with regular exercise which has specific
relevance to the chest area. Look closely into these as
some forms of exercise can increase the size of the bust
by building up the muscle underneath them. Proper diet plan along with some exercise is a great
way to naturally reduce your breast size.Some cardio
exercises( running, jogging, brisk walking, swimming,
cycling) not only burn overall fat cells but also help a lot
to reduce your breast size.

Eat food that contain Vitamin B Rich
Try to eat natural foods. Nothing processed or
packaged. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables that
contain a minimum of fat will help to start up the
metabolism and start weight loss. Foods that are high in
vitamin B are very beneficial. Many of the vitamins our
body needs are from the B group. Oats, eggs, lentils,
bananas and chilli peppers are all excellent sources of
vitamin B. Good breakfasts of oats or bananas are
recommended and try and get used to adding some of
the above foods into salads that can be prepared easily.
Not only will you lose some weight it will also have a
beneficial effect on your fitness and energy levels.
Check other food
It is
recommended that you eat foods from a variety of groups
such as meat, vegetables, dairy products, fresh fruit and
grains. If a very careful diet is followed there is no
reason that a woman should not loose some of the
weight from her bust.

Drink fresh citrus fruit juices because Vitamin C
present in citrus fruits not only increase metabolism but
also help a lot burn calories which in trun leads to
weight loss and breast reduction.

Eat low calorie food
Fish is extremely low in calories and a high-quality
protein source. As long as you employ cooking
techniques like baking, broiling, steaming or grilling
instead of frying, fish are an excellent addition to a
breast-reduction diet. Try salmon, mackerel, tuna,
herring or trout.

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